Heidi: I can't say anything wrong about this outfit, she's the hottest mom around and I can't wait for the new season of project runway!
Kimora: I love this color on her so much, and with her hair being really casual she looks really sweet.
Kristen: This dress is my dream dress, and the cut of it is so flattering on so many figures.
America: One of my favorite dresses of the evening, she knows what looks best on her figure and the belt is the perfect accent.
Christina: I'm normally soso about her outfits, but you can't deny that the girl has her own style even when she's rocking the baby bump. I'm glad she wore her hair up, makes her look very sophisticated.
Ellen: Gorgeous dress, it fits her so beautifully, and I also love that she paired it with a belt, makes it look more original.
Katherine: Pretty, but she looks like a bride.
Terry: I think the dress is pretty, really in line with the whole ballerina pastel colors but I've been seeing, but upon closer inspection it looks like her boobs were squished into this dress, not hot.
Marcia: Another one of my favorite dresses of the night, I wish I could get married in it!
Ellen and Portia: They are both so hot! I wish Ellen didn't wear that thing around her neck though, but I can tell she's trying to be a little more feminine to complement Portia. The color of Portia's dress is to die for, I also love the neckline. Sparkle!
Sandra: My fellow Canadian, I couldn't say anything bad about her, this dress suits her body perfectly, and I like that she wore her hair down for once.
Becky: Girl, you have to tell me how you walk in that dress. The top half of the dress is stunning, not sure sure about the fish tail bottom.
Helen: God I hope that when I'm that age I look that good and that I'm still into fashion. She is seriously my inspiration right now for when get older, well her and Tina Turner. Vanessa: You took my breath away in Dance with me, now look at you still going strong! Why did you have to wear that bird dress though? I don't completely hate it, cause the color is pretty.
Jamie: That dress reminds me of something Cate Blanchett would wear, but it's stunning none the less, one of my favorites of the night.
Jamie Lynn: I love this dress on her, and again going with the whole ballerina look I just wish she had not worn those big earrings with such a delicate dress. Now that I think about it, I'd like to see her hair pulled back in a very sleek pony tail.
Jenna: This gown is pretty average to me, compared to the others and her hair looks too....ugh can't put my finger on it.
Jennifer: Is it just me or does she always look the same at events? I wish she was more original with her choice of attire and I don't like the necklace with this gown.
Lisa: I know this girl thinks she's sexy and all that, but her lips really take that appeal away from her. Did she get them done or were they always like that? It's an okay dress.
Rebecca: Again, another person dong the ballerina thing, but this dress is unique and stunning. I wish she had worn her hair straight, I don't even know what she looks like with straight hair, she needs to shock us!
Sara: She could not have picked a better color for her skin tone, amazing!
Minnie: What was she doing at the Emmys? I nearly gasped when I saw her in this gorgeous yellow gown, looking every inch the movie star without being one.
Chandra: First off, I love love love her hair, it suits her and her dress so well, she is looking so adorable.
Ps. Rihanna won the last poll, best dressed at the VMA'S.
Mahalo fashion,
Comment Credits: coco, CountryGirl_CityLife, Meg, discothequechic, atlanta social, Barb., miss *ann, Seraphine, Moose on the Loose, elli, Dani, Secret Agent, Kira Fashion, -S, Cris Lazoru, Carolina Lange, glamour girly, Diana Coronado, Tui, SET, Candid Cool
Photo Credits: justjared.com
Kristen's dress is so beautiful! I agree, they all look great! Love Eva's dress too!
Great post!
Did you notice that a lot of the dresses look similar last night (not all the ones on your blog). For example, Kimora, Kristen, Felicity, Portia, and Sara all seem to be wearing the similar long gowns that's cinched up in an area. Yeah, that's my only observation for the fashion of Emmy's -_-"
and yeah... Hayden does look like the size of preggers Nicole & Christina put together.
I'm voting for Kristen Bell.
Heidi Klum looks the best. I cannot get over her look.
love the blog!
trade links?
great pics
juliet xxx
i really like katherine's as well.
hmmm im not so sure about hayden's dress but oh isn't heidi klum beautiful?? and eva's dress = hotness!! ^^
america, debra, kate and vanessa all look so fab!!!! the bird dress is gorgeous but it doesnt wrk for everyone!! haha!
great pictures!!
I loved the colour and cut of Heidi Klum's dress.
Kristen Bell looked great in the light blue gown.
Katherine Heigl was probably one of my favourites of the evening. Her dress was amazing!
I thought Sandra Oh looked great in that basic black dress. The shape of it did so much for her figure.
Great post once again :)
i was pretty disappointed with the emmy attire. it seems a lot of people went a little too safe. its like they just picked a long dress. and minnie driver (who looked great) was there because she was nominated for the riches (i love that show)!
haha i love your commentary! kirten bell def had my fav dress - prob because i could actually see myself wearing it! and it has the most votes too lol
Heidi's dress is so beautiful...of course the fact that she''s a supermodel might help just a little...
i didnt see one thing i absolutely hated.. they all looked good.. or almost good...
America Ferrera looked immaculate, she either has a brilliant stylist or brilliant taste. The colour was so rich and gorgeous.
have fun in sydney!
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