I've gotten more then 50 forms back already, let's keep it coming. Don't forget to promote the F.A.B. Awards or use the buttons! Remember this is to recognize your contribution to the fashion industry. Thank you to all the people that have posted about F.A.B.! Also if you didn't know, I'll put up a list of everyone that has been nominated after the vote. Ps. I'll make some new less crappy buttons over the weekend.

With the Golden Globes being cancelled this is the best awards fashion were going to get for a while, a sad and harsh truth! They better not cancel the Oscars or I'm going too...never mind let's not go there.
Angelina / Queen Latifa
Angelina is back to black, kind of a boring and usual outfit. Queen Latifa sure likes a white suit, she's been doing a lot of that lately but at least she changes it up now and then. She looks classy and fresh I love at how she fits clothes on her body.
Katie Holmes / Amanda Bynes
Katie Holmes was the Belle of the Ball she looked absolutely stunning, she makes me want to steal her look right down to the hair. Congrats Katie, Tom has programmed you well.
Kyra Sedgwick/ Brittany Snow
Posh / Jennifer Love Hewitt
Woah Posh, your breast look like two squished melons trying to run away from that God awful Neon dress. Thank you for trying to bring back the 90's but it's already been done.
Katherine Heigl
She really should have left the necklace at home, it just makes the dress go slightly over the top. Still a cute outfit though, I want to see this movie!
Mahalo Fashion,
Today's Links: WendyB, dusk&summer, SHE♥FAHSHUN, jayne, Aretha, Kaye, Mash, The Seeker, Secret Agent, Héloïse J., Cate, bronwyn, Elisabeth, Kira Fashion, Carolina Lange, Allecra, molly, coco, Lynn, atelier, the iron chic, PrincessPolly, Jill, CountryGirl_CityLife, Natalie, Ceci n'est pas une blogger.
Katherine's pose looks a little too perfected, non?
And Lilo, enough with the leggings already! Still, at least the latex ones look quite well placed at times.
No! this is the first that I have heard about the Golden Globes. Oh God, I have a bad feeling about the OSCAR's now. Step up to the challenge, Jen, you're all we have in terms of an awards season!
Will be sending my form soon...still stuck over who to choose!
Lindsay has great taste in jewelry, I must say...having been blessed by her purchases!
all those girls dress alike... so cool! i don´t like Jeniffer Love Hewitt dress or maybe is her color hair...
and what to say about lilo!!? i really don´t like her.... only in that movie: Freaky Friday, she was cute then.
i´m a little confused about the form for the awards... was your idea!? i promise to read more carefully and send mine.
I don't know. What do you think of Lindsay and all her black? Especially those black tights? I think she looks 'okay' in some of those pictures you picked out, but recently, she's been looking hoochier and kinda bad. Those tights kind of make her legs look chubby (in my opinion). I think she looked a lot hotter before....before her hair was dyed beach blonde or before her lips looked like sausages. Oh Lindsay, pull it together.
I lost faith in Lindsay! Even if she does look good in some photos is distressing to know she ruined her life.
I must say posh is looking brighter than ever lol. That dress is like... fluoroscent. haha.Jennifer Love Hewitt looks a bit different... But kinda cute and feminine.
Team Posh! Angelina should eat more. Jennifer Love looks like she's going to a wedding! Catherine's dress is divine!
I love Katies look and I also love the dress Katherine Heigl is wearing!
And about Posh, that's just pure Horror!!
lilo looks so slutty lately. i her style 'disgusts' me! can't she evolve a little?!
Jeniffer Love Hewitt seems different, I would say it wasn't her, don't like her dress.
Lindsey is a lost cause..
Angelina looks like she was dragged out of bed.
Katie looks like a lovely robot.
I love Posh but i definitely don't love her choice of dress that day..
I can't stand Lindsay Lohan ! I love the outfit of Katherine Heigl :) and on my own opinion Katie Holmes looks like a grandma :( I still prefer her before she was married to Tom :(
Lilo actually didn't look half bad in some of the pictures, I quite like the latexy legs. Shes looking more and more haggard everyday though..
Seriously, the leggings need to go. I love J. LoHew's look and Katherine Heigl is always lovely to me...
I really like that dress Jennifer Love Huge-Tits is wearing. I suppose LiLo's style is a bit repetitive but it works for her and that's the important thing as far as I'm concerned.
After all the rehabs, i don´t know, but i am not feeling nothing good about lilo´s looks. She doen´t seem to be cool anymore, but i do like the looks of katie holmes and posh too. Both are very daring!
a kiss for you, sweetie!
I used to love Lindsay but now I'm finding it hard to even like her
I sitll sort of hope she makes some sort of comeback but to be honest people like Katherine Hiegl and Anne Hathaway desrve roles way more than her!
I love Katie's look! Her dress is amazing!
Whenever I see Posh in that dress, Britney Spear’s Toxic starts playing in my head. Don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing…
I forgot everything I was going to say about the clothes when I read stylist du jour is coming to television. In what form? What show? Tell me more!
I am sick and tired of Lindsay always wearing those god damn tights without any sort of bottom. Nothing against tights, but alot against Lindsay in them.
I really like the high waisted/wide legged pants Lindsay has in the first pic actually. And ahhh Posh's boobs. You're right. They do look like they're trying to make an escapade.
Seriously I am in LOVE with Amanda Byne's dress - I thikn she looks incredible!
Lindsay Lohan is totally a pantsless Zoebot... that's all I have to say about them. Though I love Jennifer Love Hewitt's pink dress, that shade is gorgeous with brown hair.
LL loves her leggings.does' nt she !!!
Oh dear, oh dear. Will someone please take Lindsay Lohan shopping - I feel like I've seen every one of those outfits a million times!
And how frightening is Posh in the neon dress and heels. Yuck!
in the past i liked lindsays style more..
i'm "back"! with 6 new posts :)
-can't stand lindsay. never could. not even in the parent trap..
- i have to confess that i actually kinda like posh's dress, although it would look better without her in it.
- whoaaa rachel zoe on tv! save me! horse-faced cow (rachel zoe). sorry.
oh my, hasn't Lindsay taken a turn.
I don't know, I'm not crazy about Katie's dress, but I never really liked a lot of one shoulder dresses.
i never liked victoria beckham. she looks like she's trying too hard. and she looks like someone just spit on her food.
but i do think katherine heigl looks absolutely STUNNING.
I hate Lindsey, what happened to her lips???
Katherine Heigl is like a beatiful princess
I've loved Katherine Heigl since her days on Roswell, so I hope this movie's a good one. But who cares if she or her stylist did a bling overload- she's beautiful enough to get away with it!
Katie Holmes was soooo beautiful in that dress!And I love the way she wore her hair,a little messier.
Great post! I love Amanda Bynes dress, so on trend!
What is Victoria wearing? It just gets worse and worse!
I am soooo bored of linds even though she is only newly out and about. Lose that blonde hair please!
Katie holmes did look fabulous in that dress.
My vote is on the way, I'll send an email over the weekend:-) Great idea btw.
Katherine Heigl's dress is so sparkley! I love it & I'm excited for that movie too. :]
i love angelina's and katie's outfits, gorgeous.
those leggings have GOT to go! I see chicks now in them all over nyc.
every1 looked nice,i like Lindsy,shes sexy
nice blog
Lindsay Lohan went from an inspiring breath of fresh air> dieting blonde> Paris' extra/ enemy> plain Hollywood whore. it's a shame. and look at her little sister, Ali in the shot of them together, with lai wearing the hat. Her outfit is so Lindsay and she looks really uncomfortable. Poor thing...
i love Katie's new hair! so chic
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