I love this picture of Hilary Duff and her friends, it really seems to simplify why I love fashion so much.
Rachel Bilson
Where has she been hiding? Oh God I miss the OC, back when everyone was on the show and it was still great. Rachel really is the cutest thing and she does it in such a cool sophisticated way that only she could pull off. That dress is almost fit for a wedding!
Ashley Olsen
Alicia Keys / Kerry Washington
The Hair killed it for Alicia's outfit in my opinion. The dress is gorgeous, but the hair is too promy. I didn't like it the minute I saw this picture, and no, it's not going to grow on me. Kerry Washington is stunning as always, she's had quite the year in fashion! She never makes a faux pas!
Keisha Cole / BET presenters
Keisha, um no. It's just too distasteful. Is the girl in blue wearing Herve Ledger? Stunning!
Tyra Banks / Vivica A. Fox
Finally Tyra got rid of that broom stick weave, and looks good again. Too bad that dress is all sorts of terrible. Vivica still looks like a cat to me, but this dress is a drastic improvement. now leave your face alone!
Jill Scott / Cedric The Entertainer & Wife
Jill looks aaamazing! I love it when somebody wears clothes and does there hair in a way that totally reflects their personality, congrats! Cedric's wife looks like she's wearing a rabbit, he looks hot and she does not.
Oh man models are going to be out of jobs soon! I use to really like Kate, I'm obsessed with Blue Crush, but lately something about her has been bugging me. She seems too into the Hollywood scene. I can't deny that these ads are great, you can really see what a unique beauty she is.
Who would have thought? The ads are hot! I love that sort of easy going roughness he gives off.
Mahalo fashion,
Today's Links: WendyB, bitterbabe, LoveHateSensation, Aretha, Héloïse J., fashionchronicles, Secretista, PAMEL, Belinda, Heather, AFitz, Wendy, Jamila, hannah, styleandthecity.com - Street style & romance in Paris, Andrea.N, !*!*!*!*!Fresh and Fab!*!*!**!, Mash, The Seeker, Cate, jayne, Vintage Bunny, The Clothes Horse, Miss Woo, Marie-Kristine, FashionQueen101, Kira Fashion, coco, tiptoe, PrincessPolly, Cee-Cee, deexdeexdreamer, bronwyn, discothequechic, Gloria, Jackie, cotton candy
Photo Credits: Justjared, fadedyouthblog, gettyimages
You're so right about rachel bilson, she's cute and sophisticated and she can pull off everything =), I really like her style.
Could somebody explain to me why is Rumer Willis getting so much attention? I get it, she's Bruce's daughter... but I don't see something too special about her =L
Uh, I'll send you my nominations one of these days =).
^ just remember the voting starts feb 1st.
I love Rachel, her style is so beautiful and nonchalant! And I really like the ads Kate Bosworth did with CK.
That dress is really nice on Rumer. She has a great figure.
Models are really going to be out of work soon. Both Kate and Patrick's ads are really good. I really like Sophia Bush's dress. And Tyra and Vivica both look a mess to me.
Haha I can definitely identify with Hilary in the first two pictures...I have worn Uggs to travel to work and then change into the fabulous shoes once I get there :)
i love tyra banks so much! and for some reason - i am really digging how alicia looked at the awards. very sexy yet feminine.
I am not a fan of Kate Bosworth but I LOVE those CK ads!
And Rachel Bilson is so cute in that dress,you're right it would be so nice&simple for a wedding!
I like those ads Patrick Dempsy for Versace, and Sophia Bush dress
I love Rachel Bilson's dress. She's so petite and knows how to dress her body. And yes it would be perfect for a wedding. It's simple and elegant just like I want my dress to be whenever I get married. I must save this pic for future reference now.
You've posted so many great outfits! The Hilary Duff picture looks great!
I'm in love with Ashley Olsen's outfit , she's great and chic &hearts
I love Rachel Bilson’s dress.
I think the girl next to the pic of Keyshia Cole is wearing BCBGMax Azria.
Demsey looks hot in the ads, and I’m not a fan of his.
As much as I can't stand Rumer Willis', her dress is gorgeous. I totally agree with you on her hair, it was way better with the extensions.
Anyway, I love Kate Bosworth for Calvin Klein. He's such a classic designer and she's a natural beauty. So I think she's just perfect for the ad campaign.
ashley does look kind of uncomfortable! the lack of skin and cramped-up body language make her look self-concious, but if she really is trying to do sultry she should take tips from rachel pronto! and sophia, and rumer...
what a second, can we actually see lindsay's legs?!
Patrick Dempsey looks hot! Oh my...
awesome commentary.
yeaa alicia keys look is a no no.
I love Rachel Bilson's style, she has so many nice outfits. She is soooo much more interesting than that idiot Mischa Barton. I used to like Kate Bosworth but I've gone off her now, she's plastered everywhere and she's too thin! Patrick Dempsey - mmmmm. I fell for him after watching "Enchanted".
Hilary looks so funny with those shoes--I hope she's not pulling a "winona." And so many starlets in long dresses, especially surprising on Rachel and Ashley. They pull them off well, I especially like Rachel's dress. You're right, Ashley's look is very like a MK styling. I wonder if they every dress each other for events...
i didn't know kate was doing ck, she looks great, very natural
and OMFG patrick flipping dempsey, i hate you, you're toooo hot for your own good!
I love love love Alicia Key's Dress. You're right about the hair though.
Uh, I have to say I have no interest in Rumer Willis at all.
Can she please go away? Scout is the cool one, anyway.
She actually has something to show for herself (I kid..), she once sold homemade lemonade. (Ha)
Kate Bosworth is cutie, non?
rachel bilson looks soooo fine!
yes you can most definitly take my boots! ill tell you a secret ( i got them from payless!) my friend and i went into the store after school one day and i found them there!
Best Cotnent-
i really like hilarys outfit. simple, but chic. i have that sweatshirt in blue, but i have yet to wear it. i think im scared it will end up making me look like everyone else who attends my school.
and i love kate's ads, she looks gorgeous.
Best style
<3 Life <3 Style
Mary Kate looks three feet tall in that pic!
tyra looked amazing,she really knows how to carry herself..
Hilary duff is really pretty and she knows what fashion is
Oh my gosh, Rachel Blisons dress...I would so wear that as a wedding dress....GORGEOUS
I was slightly disturbed by how much Rumer Willis resembles Bruce Willis, which is probably silly of me as they are family after all.
rachel bilson looks stunning
i miss the oc, so much
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