100TH POST YAY! Now can I go back on Vacation? (Just kidding)
I saw these pictures on Counterfeit Chic and I couldn't help but have a giggle and share it with you guys. I don't understand with the obsession with Louis Vuitton branding everything. I remember when I was in College we use to have these stalls set up around the school and every second person was selling 'Louis Vuitton Hats' 'towels' ' jumper sets'. I think it's kinda sad that such a classy brand can easily have the world tacky associated next to it. From what I know Louis Vuitton has been getting ripped off since the late 1800s so I guess their use to it.
This is the H & M Spring/Summer 2008 collection. I'm glad to see shift dresses are still in, but where are my beloved leggings? I suppose it is spring/summer, but I've been scared of the trend dying. I've never been a fan of my legs so I've been more then happy to cover them up. I've going through H & M withdrawals already, I was there a few weeks ago when I was in LA, but I didn't get as much shopping done as I would have wanted. I'm going to have to save up and take the bus down to Montreal when I get the chance. Ugh, that's the problem with living in Ottawa...
^ Not sure about the balloon pants.

Um, somebody tell me how this girl does it? Enough said.
Mahalo fashion,
Today's Links: MENTAL (Sage), deexdeexdreamer, Jay Cam, atlanta social, The Clothes Horse, Kaye, Fashion Tidbits, Aisha, SET, Secret Agent, coco, Diana @ So Fash'on, dailyfashionconfession, Mine, Patent Shoes && Rants, fashion evolution, Lynn, Romeika, Hailey, jellofer, Miss Woo, Mer, Daphné, Carolina Lange, Riddy Ash Burn, CountryGirl_CityLife, Who's That Fashionista?, jayne, ashley, Debbie Shiamay
Photo Credits: GQ, Fabsugar, Counterfeit Chic
Thanks for linking me! Expect to see your link on my It Blogs tomorrow!
Don't go back on vaca! Haha we want you to stay!!!!!!!!
Knockoff cars? What's next?
H&M! Balloon pants? I'm so over them. I love turbans though.
Kylie is probably the only one who can pull off that 90's striped shirt!
Bilson rocks!
I want to visit H&M (I live in an area that doesn't have one!), those promo pictures for the collection look so good.
I've missed your posts =]
I absolutely lvoe Rachel Bilson's simplicity. And that teal color looks really gorgeous on her.
holy crap,
need to get to h and m...
I love H & M's summer line! I'll have to travel 1 1/2 hours to get to one, but I am for sure stopping by. And the photos of Kylie are great!
^ same here, I have to travel 2 hours!!!!
hi! nice to heard of you again!
look like you have a lot of fun on your vacation! i would like to travel to Hollywood since i saw "pretty woman" :D
i really love the H&M collection, those dresses are amazing!
thx for your comments!
ps: i add you in my link :)
Lol! we�re both here!
msg would be more useful now...
Hi Jen! I didn't know that you're back!! I love your new post, and Kylie looks great in those pics
YOU'RE BACK!! WELCOME BACK!! missed you and your posts and so happy you're back. and damn, those rhianna shots are very sexy and cool!! =D
Lol. Lol. The louis cars...omg. Just awful. And the hipster girl with the tape. PRICELESS. HAHAHA. The movement or wahtever it is, is no longer original. Everybody is doing it or trying to and it takes away from what was special about it.
I saved those photos of Rihanna and Robin Thicke on my computer. I really like his music and I cannot get enough of that girl. She is just so hot but, I wonder how long her music career will last. You should check out concreteloop.com OMG the latest outfit from her shows. Post about it or I will or something. She looks trashy as heck but, I still dig her.
Good to have you back! I've missed your posts too! Love the H&M preview. Those Louis cars are HILARIOUS!
I must say the cars look cool! It's something different than a normal car,right?!!
Those pictures of Rachel Bilson are just gorgeous. They are both perfect outfits!
Thx for your lovely comment!
I've added your blog to my favourite blogs!
I love the Mini Cooper:))
This is an amazing collection of perfect dressing! Good job:)
haha wow, that car is total conspicuous consumption yuck yuck yuck
ooo i'm liking the H&M nice blues and buttons
i nver realized how cute kylie is, great clothes!
and yes isn't rachel annoying, those dresses are both fab!
haha wow, that car is total conspicuous consumption yuck yuck yuck
ooo i'm liking the H&M nice blues and buttons
i nver realized how cute kylie is, great clothes!
and yes isn't rachel annoying, those dresses are both fab!
-Those car are hilarious.
-I will be blowing more money on H&M soon.
-All hipsters kids seem more concerned with a few moments of fame rather than exhibiting actual (and original) taste and style.
-And Bilson blows my mind every time. I would like to know how she does it as well.
The collection is really great! I love that first blue dress, is so cute!
Kylie is looking so nice! I didn't know she had a beautiful style!
Kylie is just fabulous!! i love her ! the GQ photoshoot is really clever.
Omg...I'm drooling over the Spring H&M stuff. I can't wait!!
And are there really no H&M's in Ottawa?? My bf has been throwing around the idea of going there after he graduates for work. I'm going to be sooo upset if I don't get my usual H&M fix. :( (haha, I'm a bit ridiculous, I know)
Those cars.. haha
I keep going to H&M hoping that they will put out the collection earlier, wishful thinking I know. I NEED to have that pink dress!
ahhh i'm so jealous of your trip!!! yeah that hipsters shit is getting to the point where everything is pretty obnoxious in my opinion!
missed you!! :) welcome back!
very entertaining post!
congrats on your 100th post
love the colour of rachel bilsons dresses
I love Kylie's rainbow top.
wow rhianna is hot, but she looks a little anorexic..
those cars are pimped out!
1. oh my goodness. h&m. i love everything...except the balloon pants. god im SO MAD we don't have an h&m in dallas...grr.
2. rachel bilson is AMAZING.
3. love rihanna & robin thicke together...so cute.
jello..! thanks for linking me.
Love the widelegs from h&m the most - too bad i've to travel 5 hours on a plane to get to one. most pathetic.
isn't kylie scheduled for a tour in 2008? her tickets are on sale already! love her babydoll dress.
Oh! Est-ce que ce vous est dans la photo de profil ? J'aime votre bronzage!
Sheee's back!
Loved your holiday snaps from your your last post by the way, amazing to see so much sun when over here we're having the coldest weather.
That LV car made me chuckle, nearly as much as I did at Kidman. When I first saw these images I spent a moment pondering whether it was so bad that it was good, but no, just no. Does she not know that Adrien Brody wore the same look to the Darjeeling Limited premiere?
Glad you're back!
EWW! That Robin/Rihanna thing is weird...she's 18 and he has a wife!
She's 19, and yes I know he has a wife. The pictures are cool in my Opinion.
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