It looks like they got their costumes at Zellers or Kmart. I thought they were rich from being on The Hills?
Paris Hilton
I don't get the first one, but I'm assuming she's trying to be a slutty Alice in Wonderland in the second one.
Danity Kane's Audrey O'Day & Evan Ross / Rumer Willis
Evan is Diana Ross' son, who knew those two were dating? I remember seeing him and his twin brother on TV once and they were still so young, people grow up fast. Not sure about Rumer Willis' outfit for a kids charity event, but I think the wig suits her. She should grow her hair out.
Ashley dressed up as Marie Antoinette for Kate Hudson's party. I think she looks super cute. Reese with Marc Jacobs while Jason is taking the picture. Pricesless!
UPDATE: Better pics!

Avril Lavinge
What is Avril suppose to be? She looks like a cross between a race car driver and the mod squad. Besides the hair, it's not too far from how she normally dresses anyway? Wait...Kelly is that you?
Teri Hatcher & Emerson
I think Terry had one of the best costumes, she actually looked like she put effort into it, and how cute is her daughter Emerson?
I've really been noticing Kerry Washington lately. This girl has AMAZING style. I love pretty much all her outfits. They are simple without being too safe. All her dresses have a nice charm and twist that make them unique. I think that's really important when you're shopping, you've gotta get clothes that has something special about them, character.
A bunch of celebrities showed up to the Louis Vuitton party this past weekend, including my celeb style for today Kerry Washington. I think she looks great, definitely one of my favorite outfits from her, but what I can't understand is why Kerry always pushes her hair back at the front the way she does. Even when she wears it down, she's got a weird heart shape haha. Can't she just bring it down a little? Give the girl some bangs or something.

The man responsible, Marc and his boyfriend Jason Preston.

Plaid is still in? It was really popular here in Australia for a while. but the whole craze seems to have died down. I know I know...when was plaid ever out? I still love the look, definitely one of the items I will be shopping for when I'm in LA. Glad Nicole is back on her home soil cause I was suffering from picture withdrawal.

Lisa D'Amato

Lisa was the most annoying person when she was on the show, now shes doing lame 'rap' videos and appearing on The Cobra Snake.

She's still signed with Elite apparently.
I remember 'Brit' use to cry and complain about everything on the show. I think she was really gorgeous, but I'm surprised she managed to get herself signed with her poor attitude. Remember when she got lost in Sydney?
Elyse from Cycle one is apparently the one who is working the most at the moment. She's a really popular model in Asia. Here she is at Hong Kong fashion week. Remember how intelligent she was? haha.
Mahalo fashion,
Todays' Links: Debbie Shiamay, Kaye, MOLLY GRAY, In Yr Fshn, atelier, The Clothes Horse, Filó, Valley Girl, A, Kira Fashion, Seraphine, jayne, Aretha, discothequechic, ambika, Secret Agent, Miss V, Who's That Fashionista?, Mer, penelope
Photo Credits: AV, Dlisted, Faded Youth, Justjared
What is with Paris Hilton??? It's as if she's dressing up with no direction. And Avril looks awkward in that hairstyle... Yeah her favourite colours seem to be pink and black all the time! I love Kerry Washington's yellow, silver and silky green dress! Beautiful!
I love Jaslene! But sometimes she smiles so widely i scares me. haha! I think Natasha is sweet and natural. And i hate Lisa!!! Attitude problem will get you no where!
^ she does smile really wide but I love the way she always looks happy.
Kerry in yellow is the best
I don't know what's up with Paris...besides trash.
Without a doubt, K Hudson's Halloween party was the place to be.
Gyllenspoon hiding behing their masks= aww!
and Ashley probably looked fantastic. Think it would be cool to see her dressing as a frumpy pumpkin though, for laugh-at-herself factor!
Oh Lauren, I love you, but I'm just not conviced that you really are about fahsion!
I like Kerry's hairline. It's an old-time, glamorous, movie star look with a slight "widow's peak." It's not like she has a fivehead or anything.
I have to confess that I actually prefer the new Marc...
WendyB - I think she has a little bit of one. I say bring it down a little or get bangs.
your blog looks great! ooooh joel and nicole are so cute!!
i'm back!
Hi Jen
Great update.
Spencer and Heidis costume looks so cheap.
PS:I love your profile picture,keep forgetting to tell you though
i knew kerry washington from her film "save the last dance" and from that moment i loved the girl.and yeah.her style is great.good that you showed that :)
kerry in yellow is best!
Lauren with Marc Jacobs was almost unbelievable - why would you tell everyone you love him and then act like a total b*tch whenever you meet him? I was like, WTF?
great post, jen!!!
i tagged you for a MeMe!
Ewww! Paris Hilton..gross.
I HATED LISA. Her "song" is horrific...I turned it off after the first 30 seconds...
What a great post, Jen!
I loved the Halloween celeb pics (who doesn't?) and was totally sated by your ANTM coverage. I always wondered what became of Elyse, who I thought was gorgeous.
I'm pretty dissapointed with the halloween costumes so far
i hope they get better
this post is so amazing, i'm going to have to come back to read it all
i love love love your blog
I love the marie antoinette costume ashley had!
Brit from ANTM annoyed me so much! Natasha should have won =[ I was rooting for her from day one.
Oh god, Paris Hilton looks so ewww. And dear Marc, please stay away from bad man!
teri hatcher looks scary..
What is Paris doing? Worse of all, probably she thinks she looks cool. Best Ashley in Maria Antoniette dress!
hehe gyllenspoon is soo cute :) and kerry does look fabulous! wow!
Hah, enjoyed the celeb halloween pics. Agreed on the spiderman & mermaid out = disaster. Teri's outfit does look great!
Thanks for the ANTM update. I always wondered what happened to Elyse. I thought she decided to give up the idea of modelling after she was kicked off. Once again, I have been duped by the reality show gods!
Wth is Avril Lavigne wearing? Who is she trying to me? a Harajuku Girl? A hooker? she can pull off both of those looks.
The ice cream picture of Marc Jacobs and his boytoy---he looks very old and haggard...maybe because he is old. He looked younger when he was fat. I always think fat people look younger.
I wrote about The Hills too because I didn't know what else to write about. I don't know how you do it. Posting everyday is difficult when you're outta topics. Props to you.
Oh, for
Fashion Evolution: Elyse is a hilarious girl and she's been modeling full-time in Asia doing extremely well (though her jobs aren't huge andwell-known, she is making a boatload of money)
Here's her blog:
i am so jealous of ashley. i wish i could go all zombie on marc's neck. =)
it's nice to see they are actually pursuing modeling. btw i linked you.
Oh wow, Kerry Washington does dress really well! 0_0
I love tha picture of Olsen and Marc Jacobs!
And I really like the new Marc Jacobs!
Jaslene is so beautiful!
I like the Marie Antoinette costume, is really in the Halloween mood but still chic. Kerry Washington has the best lips since Angelina.
great great post as always! :-) Adrian Gardner has the best look of all the pictures.
and dita looks great too
Speidi is scary despite the costumes. Ashley Olsen is cute. Mad props to Teri for going all out.
I'm still mad at LC.
And I remeber how bratty Elyse was, she needed to stop knocking everyone else. You don't appear smarter when you call other people dumb, you appear like a brat.
I can't even begin to touch on the dozens of other things you mentioned in your post! You always have the latest!
Natasha worked harder than any other model I have ever seen. She can join my agency anytime!
The "mail order bride" thing worked splendidly for her, didn't it? Or was that a contrivance from America's Top Model? It's getting difficult to trust "reality" shows.
What costumer is Avril using??? uhauhauahauahuaha...
I Love Kerry Washington too, she is very pretty and stylish!! Marc, Marc...I don't kwon but i think he is going crazy ahahahahahahah...or maybe is just the midle age crisis...
i love kerry washington, ever since i first saw her on 'save the last dance' cos she had attitude and she was just very cool. ^^ i love her dresses, especially the first pic of the yellow dress. it's very pretty.
Those Halloween outfits, oh my *lol* Paris Hilton reminded me of some quote from "Mean Girls" *lol* Though she uses that quote the entire year, not only during this celebration hehehe
Wow,it seems like you put quite an effort here!
definitely Hilary should stay as a brunette, she looks very bonita =)
Uh, and i love Ashley as Marie Antoinette and blood around the neck
Vintage Bunny - Thanks honey!!
Mine - she was great in that movie, you should see "I think I love my wife"
glamour girly - The yellow dress is the best, yes lc was so unprofessional!!
coco - aww thanks coco!
Cheri Lee - she had the best costume, brit was soo annoying and loud.
fashionista - she has a new song out, try not to listen!!
Secret Agent - he does look old in that pic but your right he is old anyway haha not too bad for like 45
The Clothes Horse - I'm mad at lc too hahha
Nice work on the ANTM update!
i always thought elyse had the most potential of all the models from all of the seasons. i wonder what happened to shandi, the dorky girl who worked at walmart?
oh and whatever it took for mark to get himself together i say thank god, because he looked horrid before.he didn't even look healthy.
Thanx for the ANTM updates but you forgot to mention. that YaYa cycle 3 has also nabbed a contract with Ford and has been working constantly. As well as Daniel who has has Several Major Urban Wear campaign and also worked fashion week this past Sept. In New York. Mercedes is also doing extremely well and has several Commerical Modeling jobs going on right now and is signed with a LA based Agency. Just thought i add some color to the mix.
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