Keira is the queen of re-using her clothes the most out of every celebrity I've seen and she still manages to look trendy and cool. She was one of my first real 'style icons'.
In case your wondering it says "Real dickhead pap ahh". Well first off, I expected her to have some fancy phone, but that is so Keira another reason why I love her. I don't think she should get too upset at the paps all the time, if it wasn't for them she wouldn't be the known fashionista she is today. Sometimes I wonder, do these celebrities realize this?
If you haven't seen Run Fatboy Run, download it, buy it or rent it, it's such a cute movie. I'm a sucker for all British movies especially romantic comedies (I've got every Hugh Grant and Colin Firth movie haha). Anyway I was pleasantly surprised to see this pictures of Thandie, it's so rare to have candids of her.
This is a bad outfit on Eva, even if she was say... 'wandering around St-Tropez'. Way too much blue.
I'm really sick of that haircut on Anna, I know it's her trademark, but maybe she could at least try dying it? After all fashion is all about change. Ah I guess a part of me doesn't want it to change, Anna would not be Anna without that awful hair.
Kate Hudson's outfit is all over the place, the ripped jeans, top, beads and sunglasses just don't go together. I definitely would not be caught dead wearing this. Reminds me of Bongo for some reason...
VB in Victoria Beckham. I wonder how well this high end line is selling for her. Are women really going to spend hundreds of pounds to wear one of her designs? Maybe when she's more established, plus her line is too close to Roland Mouret's. I would have appreciated some more originality for the price tag.
Take note, cropped jackets are going to be very popular for the upcoming fall, I've seen them all over the pre-fall pictures.
It looks like she's wearing a dead dog. I hope no animals suffered to make this...
Mary-Kate hiding from the flashbulbs as usual, I wish I could see her just take it with confidence for once. I know you need your peace now and then, but they are always hiding! Don't they know we want to see their latest fashions? Anyway I totally recognize that dress she's wearing, the last time I saw her with it was what 4-5 years ago? I love how she brings back things from the past that you would never expect. She clearly has a big closet because I don't think she gets rid of anything. (See below)
Kiki in what I believe to be Sofia Coppola for Louis Vuitton bag. I can't say with 100% certainty, but I would not be surprised because these two are friends. (Sofia directed Marie-Antoinette)
WHAM BAM ZOE KRAVITZ IS BACK WITH A BANG, LITERALLY! Nothing makes me happier when it comes to fashion then seeing pictures of Zoe Kravitz, I think it's because we seem so similar (especially in style) and look slightly (slight) similar that I love her so much. Us short people have got to stick together! Anyway here she is running all around the Sundance film festival looking fab.
Cheryl Cole & Kimberly Walsh from Girls Aloud. I'm still amazed at how successful that band has been, for some reason I was never drawn to their music, I prefer the Sugababes. I'm going to ignore Cheryl and focus on Kimberly, she looks amazing in that dress. I've seen it before, it's ringing a bell in my memory bank from 2 years ago...Alexander McQueen? Jean Paul Gaultier? Somebody?! haha
Yuck Yuck, what's going on with Miley lately? She use to have okay style, but now she's gone downhill. Justin Gaston (As in Beauty and the Beast?) must have something to do with this. Anyway she needs to stop acting so 'slutty'. I'm not saying she's a slut, and I know she's only 16, but we've all seen the pictures and I always find it amazing that new ones keep coming out. Her parents need to take away all her digital devices for her own good. She's going to look back one day and shake her head with shame. I know...I was 16 once...a long time ago...Please spare me the flack about the Ssss comment, I already know what your going to say ;)
Hilary Duff. She's been so boring to me since she dyed her hair lighter, I don't know what it is...
Nicola Roberts. An outfit where everything works. I love it when this happens because it really teaches you about style from head to toe.

Freema Agyeman. Love this look, there's something very Gwyneth Paltrow about it.
Tyra Banks. She actually looks sort of cute for once.
SJP sure has the cozy winter style down pat. I love how she walks her son to school nearly everyday, too cute.
This outfit should be spectacular, but there's something not striking me about it. Maybe I've just seen the same thing one too many times from her?
Grace Jones in Sydney...Only Grace...everytime I see anything that has to do with Australia I get teary, I'm so home sick. I know it's my second home, but ever since we took off on that plane, we've had to hold it together. Strange cause when I was living there I didn't miss Ottawa at all. Ottawa can feel like such a prison, especially with this bus strike, in Australia I felt so free...just a short drive to the ocean or the bush. I have to admit life there is definitely up and down and not all rosy like people think it is, which is one of the reasons we are currently back here. I think I'm willing to give it another go if I can build up my confidence to deal with life there. I guess I'm use to my superfriendly city. You don't realize what you've got until it's gone. My boyfriend likes it here, he's in a senior role at work and he doesn't have to wear a suit (He wears jeans and T-Shirt), in Australia they always expect you to be a in a suit (for the most part), it's crazy. I remember the mornings in Melbourne, everyone looked like clones of each other.
Is Megan Fox catching flies with that constant open mouth of hers? She annoys me beyond belief. I guess even celebs need to fill out customs forms. I have a question, does anyone know if a Canadian passport have to be Valid for six months for entry into the US because mine is about to expire in April and I'm going to NY next month. I still find this whole new passport things for Canadians ridic...I hope we are imposing the same restrictions the other way around now. I suppose us Canadians are a little lax with security, it's not our fault were born relaxed.
Prime example of what I was saying above, look at our favorite Canadian paparazzi lover Shenae Grimes, look how her face lights up everytime they are around. We can't help, but be happy and relaxed all the time. On another note, does anyone think her exist from Degrassi last month was a little odd? The whole building schools in Africa bit? Since when has Darcy turned into such a giver? I thought she was busy ruining her life?
"I love the paparazzi! Take more pictures of me so I can show off to the other Degrassi girls that haven't made it in LA! They are so jealous especially Cassie Steele, she's green with jealousy!"
Lily is everywhere! One minute her hair is short then it's long again. I went to HMV today after work to buy her CD, it would have been the first CD I've bought in like two years, but it turns out it's not out yet. I ended up getting Jack Johnson & Jason Maraz because I figure it's good to put in the CD player as chill out music. God saying CD player sounds to ancient now.
When I went up to the register to pay for my CDs I opened my bag to reach for my wallet and the guy at the counter noticed that I had a bookmark and commented on "how it was a nice one" I said "Thanks I got it in Dublin" he's like "I'm from Dublin" I looked him up and down and it was pretty clear he was Irish with the fair skin and red hair. He told me he had the same bookmark and asked me if I had gotten it at Trinity College, and I said yes. He told me he got his master's degree there, I told him it was the cheapest thing they had for sale after the "Booke of Kells" tour. I was wondering why I guy with a master's degree from such a prestigious school is doing working at HMV, but it sounded like he was just traveling. He says he wants to go home and brag about how her survived the Canadian winter. Yes it's been a harsh one this year we both agreed.
As I left the store I found myself thinking about the things we don't notice about people, had he not told me he was from Dublin I would have never noticed his looks or his Irish accent. Though surprisingly it was very smooth, and I could actually understand him. I guess I've been around so many Irish people the last two years my ears have finally adapted.
What was Emma Rorberts thinking wearing this? That is one ugly coat.
Beyonce should have worn something a little more regal for such a big event like a beautiful white peacoat. She did look classy at the inauguration ball so I'll give her credit for that.
Is Jennier Lopez getting younger? She must be doing whatever Demi is.
When I think aobut Katie Holmes from Dawson's Creek (Pre-robot phase), I still can't believe she married Tom Cruise. Anyway, shouldn't sparks be going off when robots kiss?
Lauren Conrad and her boyfriend. She sure likes them scruffy, just like Jason. At least she's happy, this is like her longest relationship since.
What flip floppers, not long ago Speidi were totally on the McCain/Palin bandwagon, Heidi was even spending time with McCain's daughter and now all of a sudden they've flipped the coin? I had it when people change like that just to go with the popular choice. I would have 'respected' them a lot more if they stuck to their origional beliefs. To each their own...
I love this family, Zuma is so adorable. Do you think one day we will be blessed with an picture including Daisy Lowe? Sometimes I wonder if she even talks to her father or Gwen, because I've never seen a picture of them all together.
Paula Patton. This woman doesn't have to do anything, she's got it going on simply because of the fact that she's married to sexy SEXY Robin Thicke (And yes I do think they should put him on the cover of VIBE, give the guy a break!).
Vanessa Hudgens & Ashley Tisdale in Wildfox. You can buy it here.
Halle Berry. She's always on the go lately, that's what happens when you're with a Canadian you have to split your time everywhere haha. Good luck!
My favorite label whore Ashley Tisdale in a Wildfox T-Shirt again.

Tatiana Ali looks great here, this dress is too adorable on her. Jurnee Smollett is looking great to. So do you recognize Journee? She played Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's best friend Denise on Full House ;)
Jeanne Tripplehorn. The color is gorgeous!
Cameron Diaz looking hip and cool. I use to not like Cameron, I don't know why, but I just didn't. She's really grown on the last couple of years, even more so since she and douchey JT broke up.
Tila Tequila has ditched Yahoo's daughter Courtenay Semel and now has a new girlfriend with the fakest blue eyes I've ever seen. It's like blue light beams coming out of her eyes.

I love this look here, it's like a toned down version of Miu Miu from a year and half ago.
Margherita Missoni in what else? Missoni. I love casual loose dresses like this.
Nonono Jessica, don't even try to wear a dress especially one like this...I'm sorry but you still look like a dude...but a beautiful one.
Christel Khalil. I watch Y & R, it's the only thing I watched regularly. I started when I was young because I parents watched it to and I haven't stopped. She's been subject to a bit of controversy ont he show, first she left because she wanted to make movies so they replaced her and everyone loved the new girl that played her character, but then her movie career tanked and she wanted her job back so they fired the other girl (Davetta Sherwood). Crazy.
Gabrielle Beauvais-Nilon. She looks adorable here.
Nicole Richie. Is she still going to that driving school? Wow it feels like it's been going on forever. Well drinking and driving is a serious offence folks!
Levin Rambin. Don'tyou just love all the combinations?
Kate Winslet. What do we think of her dress? I think she should have worn her hair down or slicked it back, it would have worked this sexy dress a lot more.
Kerry Washington. What an amazing dress for her, I feel like this is the definition of a dress. I know it's a bit extreme, but it just suits her so well.
Zooey Deschanel. Looking like Zooey Deschanel.
Uma Thurman. Although she's doing the velvet trend, this look is a bit of a disaster for Uma. She's so beautiful, but fashion wise she needs help.
Freida Pinto at Slumdog Millionaire premiere in Mumbai. I'm finally going to see this movie tmorrow! I'm itching even more to go to India, I think Imight do a stopover when we go back to Australia for Christmas next Christmas. It's just an idea...who knows?
I like that Kate did the sheer tights, she looks great.
This color washes her away too much, it nearly matches her skin. the shoes are a nice touch, but the look needs more...
Jennifer Lopez is blowing everyone away this week. This dress is nearly of Oscar proportions.
Shakira is wearin an Oscar De la Renta wedding dress. Does she ever pull her hair back? I'm sure she does, but it's very rare. I think a sleek ponytail would have brought much more to this look.

Nene from "The real housewives of Atlanta". I like the fabric and the color, but the shape of the top is just wrong.
Sofia Bush. I love this casual looking high end look, but her hair looks a little mumsy.
Olivia Pamero. She always finds the perfect balance between chic and fun.
TODAY'S SONG: This song reminds me of High School.

BTW, Clothes Captioned did a wonderful post on
Thank you, thank you!
Awesome post!!! I always wonder at the amount of time you must spend researching, thinking and uploading!!!
OMG!!!! Does anyone know what brand Mandy Moore's dress is? So cute, especially with the little bow in the front. *envious*
Can Heidi and Spencer just dissappear? I love Zoe's bangs! She looks adorable!
I think Kate Winslet looks ferocious in that dress. I love it.
Where to start lol. I like your blog because its very informative and theres a tonn of things to Keep up your amazing work hun.
E xo
Oh my gosh, I think that Incubus's "Make Yourself" was my very first CD I bought with my own money. Drive definitely brings back good memories!
Freida Pinto is unbelievably gorgeous! I saw Slumdog Millionaire yesterday (which is my new favorite movie btw), and the whole time I was just in awe of how gorgeous she was. What did you think of the movie?!
HI! Thanks for stopping by. I take my comment back about Beyonce's dress when she turned around. All the action was in the back of it! I agree, Etta would've been better suited for that song, but I guess her moving coming out and all... I love Thandie Newton too. Lindsay is like scary crack back-into-rehab skinny. JLo did well with her blue gown. I wish I had Diaz's mile-long skinny legs. Didn't Beckham make a dress that has similar beading like Akiko Ogawa? see link:
A mouthful, but as usual, I love your blog :)
beautiful blog!! just love it
You do such an amazing job with your blog. Wow.
I love romantic comedies too. I can watch them over and over again.
Wow girl; the ammount of time that goes into these postings must be enormous! I give you props!
I love Thandi Newton as well! And Run Fat Boy Run was so cute!! My favorite part was actually in the extras; did you see them? She put Vodka in the water bottle!!
I completely agree with you about Jason Wu; that was a HUGE HUGE moment for him... I wish him the best.
Also, I hope Lindsay pulls it together..whatever she's going through!
Thank you for stopping by!
SJP is so great walking his son to schooL! I adore Charlotte Casiraghi style, she is so classic but still cool, about Winslet, she looks anything but sexy in that dress, but she is a great actress, I am still surprised at how great she does in Revolutionary Road, I don't get why she is not considered to the Oscars for this movie!!!
I think it is good Nicole is still going to driving school. Shouldn't Lindsay and Mischa be going too? I never see them doing anything. But does Nicole even drive anymore?
I was shocked that Keira typed that too! But well, being followed all around isn't nice/ But hey, you NEVER have to take a photograph of yourself!
thank you :)
I love keiras outfit, victorias outfit and headpiece, nicolas dress and cheryls skirt.
I love miley cyrus too, I admire that shes taking risks in fashion, and I just think shes experimenting like every other teenager :)
Something waits you in my blog!
juliet xxx
Your post is endless!!! I can´t remember all my answers. Anyway I´m fortunate that you like my jewerly so... come to Spain and I promise to let you! jajaja
Kss my darling
Levin Rambin looks great, and her combination as well. vicky beckham looks so asexual. i mean, am i the only one who thinks that she is constantly wearing same desingns in different colors? pete and the boots? dont even let me start commenting. i love how kiera is so regular girl. ofc she recyles outfits, it makes me think that she is normal. when u look at all celebs and their thing not to wear one hing 2, that is just stipid, and it makes me think that they dont appreciate fashion at all.
I think Zoe Kravitz looks wonderfull with her hair like that!
Pete Wentz looks awfull!
I so enjoy your posts! They are way beyond fab and always gives me so much inspiration. Love Zoes looks and Nicole Richie (no suprise!). SPJ looked good casual, but you are right, we have seen that dressed up outfit many times before.
keira knightley looks more amazing and trendy without all the movie glam!!and meagan fox needs to stop with that "porn star" mouth!! its so annoying...and to think i respected her at teh begginng of her acting! pah!
i love keria for just being herself too! it is such a waste to any wear things once!
thanks i love what i do your blog is cool like it
keep in touch
i so love all of this looks and all of this outfits!! specially zooey's she indeed is So beautiful (and so Zooey) jeje
wow, amazing post! i can't imagine how long it took you post all these photos. i have to admit that shenae grimes annoys me SOOOOOOOO much more than megan fox.
Such a wonderful post - I loved all the different bite even your homesick bit - awh!
Kat Hudson looked a mess but then I'm always mean about her after Rumer!
wow. the longest post i've ever read. but definitely worth it!!
ms. knightly looks amazing :)
La C.
p.s.: i definitely spelled her name wrong, haha
always love your posts.the images are fave is the images of Zoe Kravitz.she is just amazing.
jen, i visit your blog for all the celeb updates... thanks.
Ew, Eva's outfit did indeed have way too much blue going on! As for Miley, I have never liked her style (or her for that matter)..sometimes I think she dresses too old or mature for her age. It's like she's always just trying too hard.
Haha...I hear girls tell me my brother is cute a lot! People don't normally suspect us to be related though because we look NOTHING alike.
eee. i love thandie newton, shes always so well dressed...
i got run fat boy run for christmas- i love it so much :)
I sure hope that's not real fur on Victoria Beckham.
I think the problem with SJP's white coat is that it's too shiny and too shapeless. It swamps her!
Keira Knightley and Zooey Deschanel (+Jessica Stroup) are my favorite actresses! They are gorgeous! I agree about the whole Miley Cyrus thing. I'm sorry, but I really don't like her. I do like Hilary Duff's necklace... it's interesting, and Gabrielle Union is stunning in that dress.
I like Shenae Grimes but somtimes she puts together the strangest stuff...
i heart jLo's take on the chanel dress and it does seem like she's getting younger. she looks fab!
this was a really fun post to read. keira knightley does have great style. when i first saw kerry in that dress i was iffy about it. she does look great in the dress, but i still think her makeup should have been done better.
i love Sofia Coppola's bags! they're really sweet and simple
that missoni dress, beautiful. and you're right about cameron, I want those boots!
I often find that although I like Kate Winslet's clothes, I don't always like her makeup and hair choices.
(How many countries have you lived in? You sound like quite the jetsetter!)
Those Wildfox shirts are amazing!! I love them too! Check out
for all their Wildfox stuff! They always have good deals & promos going on!
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