Beyonce looks like a mermaid here. I like the top half of the dress, but it's all a little over the top. She needs to get rid of that thing on her wrist too, terrible. I really like the details on the side of Faith's dress it keeps it from being too boring.
Seal looks good in the all while suit, but what's with the shoes? Or sneakers? I love Nelly's dress, but that hair has got to go, it makes her look old and she's only in her 20s.
Fantasia looks like she's wearing a trash bag, not good. I don't mind Tia's dress it looks really beachy and well that's my kinda style.
I like Alicia's dress especially with the pink purse but I don't like her hair style, why does she always wear it up like that? Anyway her performace of "No-One" was amazing. I really like the print of Carrie's dress, normally I don't go for that sort of style, but she looks cute in it.
I love Corinne's dress and I'm a big big fan of her music, it rocks you gently just like your being held haha. Miley looks nice, but I have to say that there is just too much white going on, she could have punched it up with pink shoes and clutch.
I miss Sabrina The Teenage Witch, can't she quit birthing kids and go back to what she does best? Ok, I'm just being selfish, she looks good, but it looks like motherhood is wearing her out! Taylor apparently had her dress custom made for her, doesn't change the fact that I hate it.
I love what Natasha is wearing, in my opinion she was one of the best dressed, what a surprise. I don't like her hair though it just looks like it's piled up too high. Rhianna looks cute in Zac Pozen, but her new hair is looking a little devilish.
Fergie's dress is okay, but I don't like her Nekclace and there's a lot of boob here. What can I say about Cindy? err nothing.
I really wish Beyonce would not have performed with Tina. They should have left it at the monologued, she looked out of breath anyway.
Mahalo fashion,
Today's Links: WendyB, Jennifer Stoddart, Grace, fashionista, Daphné, bronwyn, Barb., Cate, Kira Fashion, ChiliLady, Leslie Ann, emsie, The Seeker, deexdeexdreamer, Jay Cam, jayne, Secretista, AsianCajuns, Miss Woo, punky, Aretha, Héloïse J., Emma, The Clothes Horse, etoilee8, the iron chic, 5floorwalkup, Adele, stilettostetico, LoveHateSensation, PrincessPolly, The Clothes Horse, Belinda
No one really stunned me this year! I want Nelly to go darker, please.
^ I know it was pretty bad!! I don't understand?!
agreed with wendy. but i do like faith hill's look - simple, elegant and timeless i think.
meanwhile, you've been tagged by me! check it out at my blog! ^^
I feel so disappointed looking at this year's fashion - a few "nice" dresses but no one stood out enough to really wow me.
ok seriously this is the BEST that i have ever seen Brooke Hogan! Congrats Brooke! and I realy like B's mermaid dress! Nelly usually looks WAY better!
i love alicia keys 's outfit
Saw the red carpet and the awards itself. Hair: hated Fantasia's, Nelly's and Alicia's. Outfit: Tina Turner OMG why?? Agree with you on Miley, her Celine's dress deserves to be complemented with other color shoes and purse. Taylor Swift's outfit's actually a costume, haha!
Loved Kanye West's performance!
Hm yes all a bit dead pan as if everyone is playing safe or dull so not to get worst dress ticket.
Loved your awards more! Shame you can't get the winners to send their outfits in!
Also like dig comment - can guess who that relates too - overrated anyway! Will let you know!!
i liked carrie underwood's outfit. i didn't like alicia keys's hair though. i liked fergie's outfit too, including the necklace, except there was maybe a bit too much cleavage.
i'm glad that amy winehouse won five grammys, i think she deserves it, her music's really great.
Lol, you have to admit Cindy Lauper at least isn't boring. I'd love LOVE to have her at one of my parties. She's so classic.
Oh, you meant you have nothing to say about her clothes? Heyyy, it's Cindy Lauper. CINDY LAUPER!
Whar did you expect?
I LOVE Brookes dress...who knew, she had class?
ooo natasha does look good :)
wow, that really is melissa joan hart!? hmmm that's all i have to say
Fo' shizzle Snoop doggy dog looks hottizzle!
Yeaa Alicia key's has such great hair, and it needs to worn out and down because she's so damn perty!
Beyonce's hair is gross. Everytime I look at pictures from her last night, I'm baffled. Her is always something that has it going on and together, but for some reasonn it looks weirdly discolored and cut. She looks like she lost some weight!--BOO!
WOW brooke hogan actually looks...good? and beyonce really needs to fire her mom as her stylist.
I was amazed at how much I liked Natasha B.'s look... she's usually so... not put together. I didn't like Rihanna, but there was something about Beyonce that charmed me.You have to accept that she will always be over the top, so when she's just minimally over-the-top, it's a nice surprise.
Wow! Sabrina is preggers!
some really nice pictures>! thanks !
yeah i wernt to impressed...
Carries deffinatly stud out to me I thought it was stunning!!
Fergies & Natasha beddingfields were also great.
lovely blog :)
I love Fergie's outfit! Simple yet elegant...
good post i didn't watch the grammys so it was a nice fashion recap
corinne most definitely had the best outfit
They all looked pretty horrible esp Beyonce and Nelly F!
Beyoncé was out of her mind, that's how I see it. I can see a little mermaid background there, but everything's just wrong! She sor of did the same on the Oscars last year.
she's your favorite person?! i thought i was!! life has been changed forever...
Loved Rihanna's dress and Beyonce and Tina were fab. I really like the white bustier and black skirt from Lauren Conrad's collection!
Give Tina a break, folks! The woman is 68. 68!!!!! God bless her.. And the best of Grammy for me was Amy Winehouse performance and the awards she won.
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