Thank you to everyone who submitted their forms (nearly 300) and made these awards possible, this is to celebrate everyone's hard work and contribution.
Don't be discouraged if you didn't get nominated, keep working hard there is always next year.
I had to make executive decisions on certain submission forms and cancel them out as it seems people were trying to vote several times (to the exccess of 10 X) and it just didn't seem fair.
The Nominations were very tight and some of the numbers were narrow though there were clear winners in certain categories.
Please see a list HERE of everyone that's been nominated.
A small note: If you have voted for me I have removed myself.
Winners will be featured at Http://mahalofashion.com/Awards.html and will receive banners & buttons.
Runner Ups:
People that were Nominated:
People in the poll & Runner ups will receive a special email from me!
Style Bubble
I Am Fashion
Plain Jayne
Go Fug Yourself
Liberty London Girl
The Clothes Horse
Style Bubble
It's a Tie (Runner Ups): Discotheque Confusion, Style Bytes, Miss Dior Couture, Miss at la Playa
Mahalo Fashion,
that's great, Jen!
you did a genius work, 300 forms!!
what does "going for a tie" mean? will there be another poll?
Ooh how exciting! You are a star for running this. It's FASCINATING, and there are some blogs I hadn't heard of before, so v useful too. LLG xx
yay, thanks for all the new links.
I admire you so much for doing this :), i wouldn't have the patience and time to do it!. You're great.
I've already voted in all the categories. So cool.
Miss at la Playa - I fixed it, don't know why I wrote it that way. No there is no other vote, but I've emailed you with a special gift!
Awesome job, Jen. And fun too.
Wow, I cannot imagine how much work this must've taken! It's fantastic, though! Great fun! And tons of new links!
Yeah, you're amazing for doing this, all that work...
So I did my duty... I voted in all categories.
^ Thanks love!!
Voted :]. Go Style Bubble! Great idea.
I'm so excited--I can't believe I'm even nominated! Your blog would definitely be a winner for one of these if you weren't hosting. Brilliant idea.
Hey Jen! Wow, this is great! thanks for the link :)
you did a superb job!
This is amazing how you have set all this out!!! I think you deserve an award!
you are so great for doing this :D
This is amazing!
I voted, *fingers crossed*
Molly xo.
great thing to do. i just didn't nominate myself..too bad. well. maybe next year
Thank you for all the hardwork Jen! I'm excited about the results now, and also thank you for the link!
wo wit must have taken a pretty long time to put htat together! good work!
voting was fun!
wo wit must have taken a pretty long time to put htat together! good work!
voting was fun!
Wow! Thanks for all the hard work. I can't wait to check out all these blogs.
How exciting! I'm a runner up! Woo hoo! Thx Jen!
hey jen,
i finally set up an e-mail for my blog. so you can send the banners over to:
haha it was a lot more time consuming then I thought ti would be but well worth it in the end!!
i just voted :)
a kiss
great blogs!!!
really minor petty thing: it's spelt nominee, not nomanee.
otherwise, great work- i've got a lot of reading to do before i vote. it's just a shame that no men's fashion blogs seemed to even get nominated, but I guess we just have to try harder!
^ um yeah i know that. Don't know where I supposedly went wrong.
^^ ah yes i saw it, it's fixed thanks.
i m gonna miss your posts :'(
Good luck to everyone and congratulations to all the blogs that were nominated!
Jen im SO SORRY... been busy like crasp since the singapore trip... but ill vote here of course. Miss ur blog like mad. T.T
I would love to vote! it's great when good blogs get the recognition they deserve..
would you like to swap links
I can't believe you got all this together! You are awesome and inspirational.
Good luck to the nominees!!!
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