I had to kill the writing in this post because blogger fucked me over royally. My apologies.

I had to kill the writing in this post because blogger fucked me over royally. My apologies.
The Sartorialist, Ou l'art de "capturer" l'essence d'un "REAL Urban GLAMOUR" . . . Que Kate Moss incarne à MERVEILLE !!!
Cordially "from France", Antoine
I love love LOVE the yellow dress kate moss is wearing, I saw it in a picture in a magazine recently who said she had released a similar piece in her kate moss for top shop collection - it wasn't really anything near as nice. if i could make myself a dress, that is the kind of dress I would just love, it's just so feminine and pretty.
I really love the outfits of the people that headed out to the sartorialist gallery opening.
If there is anyone to go all out for, it is the sartorialist.
That's the first bad outfit I've seen from Rachel Bilson in a while. That coat just consumes her tiny frame. I guess that prooves how hard she really does work to get her effortless style.
i love the yellow dress kate moss is wearing!
poor rachel...maybe she was just having an off day? i hope!
I really like Kate Moss's style but am also wondering how many more years she has in the modeling industry! Nice post!
i LOVE LOVE LOVE celine's shoes! :)
i'm not crazy about kate moss. something about her just makes her look cracked out and unhappy all the time.
aww celine with a stylist!
I was kind of upset I didn't hear about the Satorialist gallery opening thing until after it happened, but I think the exhibition is going to be up for a while, so maybe I can go see it some weekend.
kate moss, wow, she's a fashion legend!
I love the bandit scarf, the one that covers your nose and mouth like that.
Kate Moss and Keira Knightly. If I had to choose two people to follow, it would be those two. Just don't call me a stalker. LOL
Kate is gorgeous in the new ads for longchamp i thnk ) she 'sooooo beautiful omg !!!!
I love your post and I think Kate Moss is over, done, and dusted. She needs to be place in Fashion Photo Books left on coffee tables to leave a gap for new young talent like Agyness Deyn.
I absolutely adore the sartorialist!!!
The Kate Moss for Longchamp adds are amazing! I realy love the pictures!!
I think Kate’s style is nice and simple but in my opinion overrated. She looks nice in clothes don’t get me wrong, but maybe because I’m not a jeans and t shirt kind of girl she doe not appeal to me. She always looks the same; she needs to mix it up a bit.
I love Keira, she has a nice style its not overtly exciting but I’m inspired by how she put it together.
Lastly Celine looks so hot, yeah me thinks a stylist has been involved in this one, lol.
Kiera looks fab - I love the skirt on second picture. you could have got those boots in the UK as they either were gap ones or they are from Belstaff.
Please can the Kate Moss thing end - we need a new fashion direction to steer us away from the skinnies et al!!!
kate moss, so amazing and rocks always.
in that picture, the rachel's clothes seems like mk
As you know I love Rachel Bilson's style, mostly everything but this was some kind of weird.
But- nobody is perfect.
And if this outfit was just the first and last outfit that looked totally not like her style-it's okay,right? :)
I LOVE the Sartorialist showing pics! Fantastic outfits!
And I just can't help but adore Kate's style. Damn it, she's just the best.
The Sartorialist is so hot!!!
I love Kate !I wish I had her abs !
Kate Moss's rocking the latex tights - I like it! Love the purple Longchamp too! About time Celine Dionne hired a stylist, with the kind of money she has, she should've done that a long long time ago.
the sartorialist exhibit looks fantastic.
and i LOVE kate moss's yellow dress. gorgeous and so cheery!
thanks for the amazing round-up. xo
where from did you get the search on your blog?
juliet xxx
woooo i love kate moss! especially her new hairstyle and she looks rad in the longchamp ads!
and keira knightley is also one of my favourite fashionistas and actresses (not to forget)
I would have loved to make it to Sart's show, but I probably would have dithered endlessly about what to wear! Kate Moss is always a style icon, people say she needs to update her look, but it's her look, to change it wouldn't be her!
Wow, Mr. Sart obviously have some very stylish fans. And I keep telling myself I'm over Kate Moss style, then seeing pictures of her and think "ummmm how does she loooks so good?"
well, Kate Moss is always Kate Moss.
Yaeh!, that people that headed out to the sartorialist gallery opening looks so nice.
I like the sartorialist but i think the outfits the guests wore, were not so special... nothing new...
despite, i like your blog!
Hi Jen,
Just popping by to say that you've been linked.
Great post with many great pictures =]
OMG! I am so mad I found out about the Satoralist party/opening late! I go to school only a train ride away and the one day I decide to not check out the site, I miss the invite! UGH!
Well, everyone looks fabulous!
Kate Moss, is older than she looks. For the longest time I thought she was 20 something. Ha! Boyyy was I wrong. I don't know how long Kate and Naomi could go. If they stay skinny and stay looking fabulous they might just step a world record in Modelling careers!
ooo i love how the sart party looks like a classy version of facehunter haha
kate's ads are quite good :)
kate moss, goddess as always
I am huge fan of the sartorialist, i really would like to be in his photos and go to his exposition, for sure!!!!
a kisss
great post!
love it!
I love the sartorialist!
Great photos of Kate Moss, love her style, allways!
Ahhhhh! I love The Sartorialist's blog. He always takes great shots of people!
amazing collection of photos for kate moss!
i love rachel bilson outfit, the coat is wonderful.
Oh how I love Kate Moss and her style...great photo collection of her looks. Love your blog daily.
OH MY I LOVE THOSE KATE MOSS PICTURES. you really gather up the best ones :)
have a great day!
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